The Multi-channel Audio Digital Interface (MADI) is an AES standard, specifically AES-10, and can accommodate the bidirectional transfer of up to 64 channels of audio data across either copper or fibre. The Verien MADI core consists of both the transmitter and receiver and can be dynamically configured for up to the maximum channel count supported by the standard. The receiver includes data recovery using an oversampling technique - no high speed transceivers are required and no external clock recovery is needed.
The user side consists of two simple FIFO interfaces - one for the transmitter and one for the receiver, along with programmable FIFO status signals. Example interface code and multiple example designs are provided, including three self-checking testbenches. Loopback generation and checking are built-into the core allowing the core to be tested without external hardware.
The MADI IP core is proven technology that has been purchased and integrated into products from several audio companies, companies small and large and including from some of the largest American and Japanese audio companies. It is a one-chip solution - no Hotlink or other PHY is needed. It has been targeted to both Altera (Intel) and Xilinx.